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Just Married

Delhi, India Indian Wedding by Twogether Studios

by - April 29, 2020

Good Morning, beauty queens! We are right in the middle of this fabulous week, and we are back with a new romantic story for you to get a refill of inspiration to face the last few days of this week in the best possible way. So, get ready to enjoy Nandni & Vahin's wedding bash coming from Dehli, India, as it is nothing less than spectacular! Plus, it encompasses all the things that you would expect to see at an Indian wedding celebration, and so much more! Right before the big wedding ceremony that untied these two lovebirds in marriage, there was a series of pre-wedding events overflowing with so many traditions and emotions that started building up the mood and the environment for this life milestone. But among all the pre-wedding festivities that was one that particularly caught our attention: The fantastic Sangeet held inside the halls of The Imperial, same place that later on hosted the spectacular wedding ceremony of this lovely duo. Right from the get-go, this Sangeet was an upbeating event overflowing with elegance, traditional flair, dancing, and lots of laughter and emotions. A perfect combination of tradition and joyfulness at its best! After all pre-wedding events concluded, Nandni & Vahin were more than ready to unite their lives in marriage, and they did it in a magical wedding ceremony that we loved so much to the point that we are still sighing over it! From the perfect planning and execution in the hands of Plush Events & Weddings to the astonishing decor crafted by Elements Design, everything surrounding this wedding had perfection written all over the place, starting with the marvelous look of our dazzling Maharani! Nandni stole the show walking down the aisle dressed in a champagne lengha from Rimple & Harpreet Narula and looking like a goddess thanks to the exquisite makeup and hairstyle designed by Emelda Lepcha Tamta. And let's not forget about the artistic Mehndi designed by Raju Mehendi Wala. It was fabulous! Without any question, this was the dreamy wedding Nandni & Vahin always wanted. Check more of this lovely couple in today's inspiring gallery, thanks to the remarkable shots captured by Twogether Studios!

from Maharani Weddings Blog https://ift.tt/2W7300F

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